Genomic and Molecular Serviceswhole genome & exome sequencing
MOgene offers whole genome and exome sequencing services for short and long read technology, and supports data analysis needs from Illumina and PacBio platforms.
Illumina Short Read Sequencing
- de novo sequencing and generation of assemblies targeting microorganisms and polishing long read assembly
- Genotyping and structural variant analyses
- Genome annotation and gene prediction
- Genome resequencing
- Metagenomic analyses
PacBio SMRT Sequencing
- de novo sequencing and generation of assemblies for complete microorganisms and eukaryotes
- Structural variant analyses
- Genome resequencing
MOgene offers confidence, experience, and flexibility in deciding the optimal platform for evaluating genetic modifications and genotypes, in addition to short and long read targeted sequencing and associated analysis requirements.
Illumina Short Read Sequencing
- Targeted capture for genotyping SNPs, CNVs, and indels
- Comparisons of genes of interest in different cell types
- Metagenomic analysis
- Amplicon sequencing
PacBio SMRT Sequencing
- Transgene integration structure to determine stability in recombinant cell lines
- Characterization of novel cell lines used in biological production processes
- Comparison of genes of interest in different cell populations
- Identification of alleles for the genes of interest
- Amplicon sequencing
MOgene offers confidence, experience, and flexibility with your transcriptomics requirements and can process differential gene expression data, identify splice variants, and conduct absolute or relative quantification of gene expression.
Next Generation Sequencing Applications
- RNA-Seq (Illumina) differential gene expression
- Iso-Seq transcriptome generation (PacBio)
- Small RNA sequencing (Illumina)
Agilent Microarrays
As a Certified Agilent Services Provider since 2004, MOgene offers the number one solution for your microarray needs.
- Differential gene expression
- Differential microRNA expression
MOgene offers customization of pipelines to meet data analysis requirements and various options for secure data delivery.
Informatics Tools
PacBio Tools
- Subread manipulation and demultiplexing
- Assembly
- IsoSeq transcriptome analysis
- Alignment and resequencing variant detection
Illumina Tools
- Assembly, alignment, and variant detection (GATK)
- Read adapter and quality trimmer
- FastQC quality viewer
- Flash paired read merging tool
Recognized Bioinformatics Tools
- QIIME2 metagenomics
- Blast suite, R, Bioconductor, BioPython, samtools, vcftools, Perl
- BWA alignment
- Tuxedo suite for reference guided RNAseq (Bowtie)
- Trinity suite for de novo RNAseq
- Tools to find open reading frames in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- Mauve tool to graphically display the relationships between related assemblies
- Assemblers including: CLC (Qiagen), Spades, Velvet, Mira
- Genome viewers: IGV, Tablet
Data Delivery
- Amazon’s AWS S3 secure storage
- SendThisFile temporary link for data up to ~10GB
- Portable hard disk drive (HDD)
- USB stick
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
Technology Platforms
Quality and safety
The Quality Commitment From MOgene
Regulatory Services
MOgene has a state-of-the-art, CLIA certified facility with an established reputation of complying with relevant national and international GxP compliance regulations.
- Audit ready for Clients with routine internal quality audits
- GLP compliance per FDA 21 CFR Part 58 and Part 11
- Active CAPA program for process improvement
- CLIA certification
- USDA certification
Quality Management System (QMS)
MOgene has a robust Quality Management System (QMS) detailed in a manual that ensures compliance for quality monitoring and improvement.
- Rigorous sample management process
- Transparent and routine communications on project timelines and deliverables
- Complete documentation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and 100% QC of data
Our Biosafety practices enable us to provide services for early R&D and market release studies for pathogens that require BLS-2+ facilities.
- Higher levels of lab safety for antimicrobial, human and animal health vaccine development
- Dedicated BSL-2+ lab and pre-amplification room for your clinical studies
- Trained Personnel to handle all kinds of BSL-2+ level agents
Security and Data Protection
MOgene considers safety and confidentiality a top priority for our client’s data.
- 24/7/365 temperature and humidity monitoring
- Individually coded key access to labs
- Secured access to data records
- Daily data back-up
Supporting Genomic Studies Since 2004
Industry Leading Experienced Team
More Than 150 Citations in Peer-reviewed Journals